Count on more than 23 years of logistic experience in Venezuela. Ocean shipments to Venezuela every friday. Economical rates and low minimums. Pay for your shipment in Dolars or in Bolivars.
Contact us for more information.
Air shipments leave our warehouses twice per week, they arrive at Caracas, Venezuela in 1 week. Ocean shipments leave our warehouses in Miami on Fridays, transit time to Caracas is about 1 month.
Register free to receive your purchases in our warehouses in Miami, we offer 2 weeks free storage.
Pay for your shipment in Dollars or Bolivars.
Contact us for more information.
Next Day Cargo has two weekly shipments to Venezuela from Miami. Estimated transit time to Caracas is about 1 week. Transit time for ocean shipments is about 1 month. Ocean shipments leave our warehouses in Miami every friday.
We repack your purchases in carton boxes or wood crates for safety and to reduce the shipping cost.
Contact us for more information.
Next Day Cargo offers air shipments twice a week. Transit time to Caracas about 1 week.
Ocean shipments leave our warehouses in Miami every Friday, transit time to Caracas about 1 month.
Low minimums and economical rates. Door-to-door deliveries in Caracas or we send your shipment with an internal transport company if your final destination is outside of Caracas.
Contact us for more information.
Next Day Cargo offers weekly ocean and air shipments to Venezuela. Air shipments leave our warehouses in Miami every Tuesday and Friday, the transit time to Caracas, Venezuela is 1 week. Ocean shipments leave our warehouses on Fridays, transit time is 1 month.
Economical rates and low minimums.
Contact us for more information.
Next Day Cargo offers ocean shipments to Venezuela every week. Ocean shipments leave our warehouses in Miami every Friday, transit time to Caracas is about 1 month. Economical rates and low minimums.
We also offer air shipments to Caracas, Venezuela and the rest of the country. Air shipments leave our warehouses in Miami twice per week.
Contact us for more information.
Envíos aéreos:
$4.50/libra, mínimo $25
Envíos marítimos:
$16/pie cubico, mínimo $60
Para más información por favor contáctenos: