Air shipments to Caracas, Venezuela and other cities

Envios a Venezuela Air shipments from Miami to Caracas twice per week. Economical rates and low minimums. Deliveries door-to-door in Caracas. If the final destination is in other cities in Venezuela we place your shipment with a local carrier.

Ocean shipments weekly to Caracas, Venezuela. Transit time about 1 month.

Contact us for more information.

Shipments to Venezuela start this week

Envios a VenezuelaShipments to Venezuela start this week. Air shipments arrive at Caracas in about 1 week. Ocean shipments arrive at their destination in Venezuela in about 1 month.

Door to door deliveries. Economical rates and low minimums.

Contact us for more information.


Air and ocean shipments to Venezuela

Envios a VenezuelaWe will continue to receive your purchases in our warehouses in Miami during December. There will be no storage cost. Shipments will re start the second week of January, 2015.

Economical rates and low minimums.

Contact us for more information.

Air shipments to Venezuela

envios a venezuelaAir shipments to Venezuela twice a week until December 12, 2014. Deliveries door to door in Caracas, transit time from Miami to Caracas is about 1 week. You can pay for your shipment in Dolars or in Bolivars.

Contact us for more information.







Feliz Dia de Accion de Gracias para todos nuestros clientes y amigos

ThanksgivingNext Day Cargo le desea un feliz Dia de Accion de Gracias.

Nuestras oficinas y almacenes en Miami estaran cerrados el Jueves 27 de Noviembre y el Viernes 28 de Noviembre por la celebracion de Dia de Accion de Gracias “Thanksgiving”. 

Reanudaremos actividades el Lunes 1 de Diciembre. 

Aprovechamos esta oportunidad para darles las gracias por contar con nuestros servicios.

Air shipments to Venezuela every Tuesday and Friday

Envios a VenezuelaNext Day Cargo offers air shipments to Venezuela every Tuesday and Friday. Transit time to Caracas is about 1 week.

Economical rates and low minimums. Pay for your shipment in Dollars or Bolivars.

New clients can get 10% their first shipment with discount code: FB10.

Contact us for more information.

Air shipments to Venezuela


Air shipments from Miami to Venezuela every week. Door to door deliveries in Caracas and other cities in Venezuela.

Competitive rates, low minimums, on time deliveries. Count on Next Day Cargo for your next shipment to Venezuela. Pay for your shipment in Dollars or in Bolivars.

Contact us for more information.


Ocean shipments to Venezuela

envios maritimosOcean shipments to Venezuela leave our warehouses in Miami every Friday. Transit time to Venezuela is about 1 month.

The last ocean shipment this year will be on Friday November 21. After this date we will continue to receive cargo in our warehouses to be shipped in January, there will be no storage charge. We offer economical rates and low minimums.

Pay for your shipment in dollars or in bolivars. Air shipments will continue until December 12, 2014.

Contact us for more information.